Usual opening hours, unless otherwise advised, are 7.45am to 1.30pm Monday to Friday.
The Tuckshop/Canteen sells an extensive range of healthy foods. Periodically, 'RED' days are held where students will be able to purchase not-so-healthy foods and generally these days will be fund raising events.
If you have one free day per month we would appreciate your help in the tuckshop to prepare food. As we operate a self-serve system, not all parents are required to handle money. Parents commence at 8.30 am and leave at 1.30 pm - you do not have to be here for this amount of time. We appreciate any help even for an hour or two as we cannot operate effectively without volunteer parent support.
Come in and meet our friendly staff and get to know your school at the same time. As all students benefit from the funds raised by the canteen, your voluntary assistance is vital for the continuing success of the facility.
The tuckshop is also the only supplier of our school uniform and available for purchase during the above hours. For a full list of uniform available and the pricing, please click on the link on the right hand side of this page.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the tuckshop on (07) 4058 4321or email