About our supportive education services
Supportive Education Services support the individual learning journeys of students with disabilities who are verified or awaiting verification under the Education Adjustment Program. Functional programs in English, Mathematics, Science and Art are offered for students who are on an Individual Curriculum Plan or Individual Transition Plan. In addition to these core subjects, functional life skills and work readiness skills are addressed through the ASDAN framework and Functional Business subject. An exercise program focusing on stretching, strength and fitness allows students to access the school gym.
In addition to these programs, in-class support and additional tutorials are offered to students in mainstream classes who are on a Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA) or Overall Pathway (OP).
Special programs
- Ticket to Work Traineeship Program - Year 11 & 12: Epic employment works in conjunction with the school to offer students with disabilities, school based traineeships in retail and hospitality. Students are supported 8 hours a week in paid employment while completing their Certificate II in Retail or Hospitality
- My Future My Life Transition Funding - Year 11 & 12: Year 11 students can apply for up to $1000 and Year 12 students up to $2000 to assist them to achieve their SET Plan and Individual Transition Plan goals
- Rock and Water for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This program specifically targets resilience building and is an anti-bullying program which assists students with ASD to emotionally self-regulate.
- The Queensland Certificate for Individual Achievement Pathway: The QCIA is awarded to students at the end of Year 12 by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) and records the learning achievements of students. The certificate is an official record that students have completed at least 12 years of education, and provides students with a summary of their skills and knowledge that they can present to employers and training providers.
- ASDAN Curriculum: This is a UK based framework which assists students to develop skills for learning, employment and for life. It is an activity-based program which is externally moderated and certified. Certificates are awarded at the end of a program following successful moderation.
Deputy Principal Inclusion: Michelle Messina
Phone: (07) 4058 4317