The Junior School at Smithfield State High School incorporates Years 7, 8 & 9.
The Junior Secondary model has been developed in conjunction with the Six Principles of Junior Secondary and offers a rich, challenging and stimulating environment designed to inspire students to become life-long learners.
To enhance teaching and learning, Smithfield State High School has embraced Universal Design for Learning (UDL) alongside Robert Marzano's New Art and Science of Teaching (NASOT). This approach aims to create environments that minimize barriers, allowing all students to participate in rigorous and meaningful learning. Our classrooms are designed to meet students' needs for engagement, order, a sense of belonging, and high expectations.
Transition Programs
Programs have been developed, in conjunction with cluster primary schools, to prepare students for the transition to high school in Year 7 – including more informed data around best class placement, and student capabilities in literacy and numeracy. Academic interventions are run in every term throughout years 7, 8 & 9 to support students to meet their learning goals.
Learning Communities
The principle aim of the Year 7 Junior Precinct is to create a learning community that provides students with sustained individual attention in a safe and caring school environment. To meet this the appointment of a Junior School Dean, a Head of Department Junior Secondary and a core teacher approach to Year 7 classes have been implemented. These resources, and this teacher model, aim to achieve a consistent, and greater pastoral approach, to building teacher and student relationships for better holistic student outcomes.
Student Leadership
A representative body that enables student voice has been adopted throughout the Junior Secondary School, and culminates in a Student Congress each term. Student leaders gather on a regular basis to discuss issues pertinent to their cohort, work toward fund-raising and social activities and promote core school values. The Junior Secondary School is represented by male and female Junior School Captains, elected by the cohort each Spring.
Parent & Community Engagement
Parent & Community Forums / Parent Information Nights/ Representation at P&C meetings / Year 7 Parent Meet & Greet / Parent Teacher Interviews / QParents / Newsletter, Facebook and Website communications are all avenues through which parent and community views on educational matters pertaining to the school, and wellbeing concerns related to individual students, can be voiced. School to home liaison on student performance is strongly supported by the school community.
More information on program structure and subjects offered in the Junior Secondary School can be found in the Junior Course Guide.
For further information regarding Junior Secondary please contact
Head of Department: Kellie Winter
Phone: (07) 4058 4364
Deputy Principal Year 7 & 8 : Rowen Cooper
Deputy Principal Year 9: Alison Kaggelis